
[ICON=immunesystem.gif] Each year the world experiences a new wave of viruses and bacterial infections that lay us low and stop us from working, studying and carrying on our daily lives. Each year many millions of us go to the doctor for treatments and vaccinations to help combat this constant onslaught from microorganisms and yet the most potent protection and cure of all actually lie within the body itself. It just needs to right fuel going in the system to allow it function properly. Your own immune has an incredible facility to search out and react to invasions by bacteria and viruses. It can rarely prevent the initial infection but if the immune system is strong it can react quickly and clear them up in 24 hours whereas if it is weak you may be laid low for several days and in some cases a couple of weeks. Key Nutrients. The two main nutrients that help to keep the Immune System strong are Vitamin C and Zinc. These nutrients help to mobilise the natural fighting force of your immune system. Vitamin C also has natural anti viral properties.
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