Osteoporosis - How to prevent, treat and reverse it

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'A must-read for all women.'

Osteoporosis is a worldwide epidemic. You might not even know you've got it until you fracture a bone. But it doesn't need to happen to you - osteoporosis is treatable and preventable and this book will show you how. Inside you will discover:

'A must-read for all women.'

Osteoporosis is a worldwide epidemic. You might not even know you've got it until you fracture a bone. But it doesn't need to happen to you - osteoporosis is treatable and preventable and this book will show you how. Inside you will discover:
  • Why there aren't any symptoms?
  • How you can tell if you've got it?
  • How you can avoid it?
  • How you can boost your bone health?
  • Why diet and exercise are so important?
Dr Marilyn Glenville is the UK's leading nutritionist specializing in women's health. She is the author of the international best-seller, New Natural Alternatives to HRT, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and a member of the Nutrition Society

"Can you answer 'yes' to any of these questions?"
  • Do you have a family history of osteoporosis?
  • Are you of European or Asian descent?
  • Have you ever yo-yo dieted or suffered from an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia?
  • Were you prone to irregular menstrual cycles or long gaps between periods when younger?
  • Are you (or have you ever been) a smoker?
  • Have you taken certain medications ヨ steroids, heparin, anticonvulsants, diuretics, long-term laxatives or antacids?
  • Have you had a thyroid problem - either under - or over-active?
  • Do you not take enough (or any) exercise?
  • Do you exercise too much?
  • Did you have an early menopause (before the age of 40)?
  • Have you had a hysterectomy and had your ovaries removed?
  • Do you have a digestive problem such as Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, or coeliac disease?
  • Is your alcohol and/or caffeine intake heavy (more than seven units per week or two cups of coffee or tea per day)?
  • Are you underweight or slim and small-boned?
  • Have you already broken any bones?
  • Have you become shorter with age?
  • Have you never had children?
  • Are you post-menopausal?
  • Are you a woman?
"If so, you may be at risk of osteoporosis..."
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